European Programmes
Postgraduate School
Dean of European Programmes UCN
ph: +43 664 34 29 717
Master Degrees
UCN European Programmes is a university extension of UCN Universidad Central de Nicaragua International Programs Directorate and offers programmes internationally and online primarily in English study language in a variety of disciplines.
Universidad Central de Nicaragua UCN offers Master degree programmes in the following study areas in English:
Universidad Central de Nicaragua UCN accepts top-up students
The programmes offered in English integrate inter-university collaboration between UCN and partner universities as well as internationally recognised curricula and qualifications (e.g. OTHM qualifications) into the degree programmes offered in English.
UCN internationally only offers postgraduate qualifications of the second (Master) and third (Doctor) cycle to qualified students and candidates.
Master level programmes are mainly curricular while the doctorate is research based as a general distinction, and several programmes integrate the curriculum part for the Master level intermediate degree and the research project and thesis for the doctor level terminal degree programme.
Master of Business Administration
OTHM Level 7 Diploma
MBA Master of Business Administration
UCN offers a variety of OTHM Level 7 diploma qualifications in combination with the UCN MBA degree.
Graduates of the OTHM Level 7 diploma will pass a final examination by UCN and will earn the MBA dgree in the given specialisation.
Online MBA programme.
The MBA curriculum consists of 60 ECTS credits of postgraduate study, offered as modular fashion. MBA-candidates complete required modules/courses (Level 7 Diploma), accredited by OTHM, validated by UCN for the MBA in ghe given specialisations:
The programme has been produced to conform to the requirements of UK regulatory authorities and the relevant Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) subject benchmark statements.
Programmes are available in English and German via the Deanship of European Programmes as online MBA in the extent of 60ECTS (MBA) or 90 ECTS (MSc)
Dual consecutive enrolment is possible in the Master and Doctor programme in Business Administration
Doctor of Business Administration PhD
English programmes in Psychology:
Master programme in Psychology
of Addiction Counseling
PhD programme in Psychology
UCN German language MBA courses:
UCAM award:
Magister (Mag.)
the programmes available as
dual degree programmes with
Universidad Católica San Antonio de
Murcia UCAM (Spain) expired registration in Austria and also will expire until September 2023 due to legal changes in Spain.
Students can complete their courses within summer of 2023 in order to qualify for graduation within the deadline and expiration of current grado propio Master courses by Spanish universities.
Programmes in Psychology
Top Up Master of Science by Thesis
Generally speaking, there are two main types of master’s degrees: course-based (taught) and research-based. Course-based master’s degrees are based on structured course modules taught through lectures, seminars, laboratory work or distance learning, while research-based master’s degrees require the student to carry out their own research project(s) in a specialized field of study.
Master of Science by Research
A Master of Science (MS, MSc) is usually awarded in disciplines categorized as the sciences. Certain fields such as economics and the social sciences can fall under both arts and sciences, with the individual university deciding on what to call their master’s degree programme.
Postgraduate research master’s degrees (Master by Research)
Master of Science by Research programmes are designed for those who hold a first degree with a significant research component and/or have several published research papers. Assessment takes the form of a dissertation and/or marked essays throughout the study year. Evaluation is generally more continuous than on a taught masters, so would suit those who prefer to get their grades by independent research. For those who are self-motivated enough to drive their own work; research master’s do not form the structure of assessment in the same way as they do in taught masters. For those who already have a research proposal in mind the discipline of time management and digging up sources from all over the place will also provide an excellent training for those hoping to progress to the next stage of academia: the Research Doctorate.
A Master by Research degree is designed to provide training in how to become a researcher. Containing a significantly larger research element than taught programs, the research Master may give candidates an advantage if they wish to pursue a PhD or enter a career in research. A Master by Research is an advanced research-based degree which allows the candidate to focus on a particular topic in-depth and independently, to complete a single large research project. An MSc by Research is often seen as a precursor to a PhD, and is often used by institutions to allow students to ‘test the water’ before commencing a PhD degree program.
Workload and Structure of the Study Programme
1) The volume of the study programme is determined by the workload, given in SUCA creditos (in brackets: ECTS points).
3) The MSc by Thesis requires as thesis Master a workload of 32 SUCA creditos (60 ECTS points), to be achieved in the event of Applicants with 128 SUCA creditos (240 ECTS) on admission by thesis only. This corresponds with a duration of 2 semesters. The accumulated minimum requirement for the MSc is 160 SUCA creditos (300 ECTS points).
1) Applicants can be admitted to the asynchronic distance education programme throughout the year.
2) Admission Requirements:
a) Persons meeting the following requirements can be admitted to the MSc by Thesis: Completed university or college study programme of at least 8 semesters with no less than 128 SUCA creditos (240 ECTS points) from a diploma programme with a recognised university or college at level 2 and entitling for admission to postgraduate programmes in the country of origin of the awarding institution; or a postgraduate specialisation or master degree of at least 32 SUCA creditos (60 ECTS points). (Master level)
3) The admission-commission of the university rules on the grounds of the formal requirements and the application per single case and upon request of the Applicant according to available enrolments and tutoring capacities, as well as of the submitted research proposal for the thesis. The admission-commission can require an admission-test.
4) Application procedure and admission: Applications for admission to the respective programme must be submitted with the required documents (application form, curriculum vitae, proof of degrees earned and professional experiences gained, passport copy, passport photo). The admission-commission may require the submission of “original transcripts” directly from the awarding tertiary education institutions.
5) Persons who have been admitted to the programme and who have paid the programme tuitions and fees, will be admitted by the study department of the university as international students.
MSc by Publication
A MSc for scientific publications is possible in compliance with the exclusion clause of Master by thesis, as far as this procedure is provided in the particular plans and programmes of study and the conditions thereof are regulated by these plans and programmes.
Duration of Programme
1) The thesis examination programme starts with the confirmed acceptance of the application form by the admission-commission of the University and is becoming effective upon the payment of the non-refundable study-tuitions by the Applicant with the receipt of the payment by the University.
2) The thesis examination programme ends:
a) by the act of granting and awarding the academic title by the university,
b) by the decision of the examining committee that the Applicant did not meet the requirements including the retake options,
c) by delivering the written request to the examining committee to terminate the thesis examination,
d) by failing to complete thesis examination programme within the allowed retake options in compliance with the Letter b.
Dissertation Thesis
1) The range of themes for theses, their extent and particulars, as well as the requirements for theses are announced by the University based on the proposals examining committee for the thesis examination.
2) A thesis is a monothematic work which brings about new findings, it is not a compilation of literature, as a rule it presents personal original research pursued by the Applicant.
3) In general, the thesis is written in Spanish language. An Applicant of different nationality or a foreign Applicant shall ask the admission commission for a possibility to write the thesis in a foreign language. In case of available language capacity the admission commission shall approve the request. A thesis written in a language other than Spanish or English shall include a summary written in Spanish or English language in extent of up to 10 pages.
According to available enrolments and tutoring capacities particularly the following study languages are approved: Spanish, English, German.
4) The use of Master-theses or doctoral theses having already been used for the award of an academic degree is not allowed. The Applicant cannot submit as a thesis his/her diploma thesis or any other qualification thesis, neither the work of a compilation character. The University can accept a prior dissertation and degree only for the purpose of revalidation of the degree in order to award the equivalent degree.