European Programmes
Postgraduate School
Dean of European Programmes UCN
ph: +43 664 34 29 717
UCN European Programmes offers partner degree postgraduate and doctoral programmes with recognised European universities.
Slovak partner programmes are provided as Rigorosum Doctorate programmes in accordance with Slovak Higher Education law, as postgraduate doctorate by thesis.
Polish partner programmes are further and continuous postgraduate education programmes and the degrees are awarded by the university in accordance with Polish university law 2018 as own qualifications and partial qualifications at Level 8 EQF.
UCN and our partner university DTI in the Slovak Republic offer a Philosophiae Doctor PhDr. in Management and a PaeDr. in Pedagogy (Education) rigorosum doctorate jointly with UCN. UCN participates in the dual degree programme. The Slovak partner university conducts the programme and takes the final examination. The programme basically is an independent research by thesis doctorate and can be earned via thesis and final defensio and presentation of the thesis combined with the oral examination in the two subjects. Upon completion of the programme the Slovak university will award the respective Doctor of Philosophy PhDr. degree and UCN a certificate of completion.
The duration of the Slovak Ph.Dr. or PaeDr. programme is within one year for the thesis.
Slovak rigorosum doctorates are by thesis doctorates available to graduates of a Master degree in their study area or a related discipline.
The rigorosum doctorate requires a final oral examination in two subjects (e.g. Marketing, Business Administration) and the presentation and defensio of the rigorosum-thesis for the award of the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhDr. or PaeDr.) by the Slovak university.
The study areas available include
Tuitions for the dual Rigorosum doctorate programme are for the entire programme including enrolment and final examination of the thesis, and the award fees. The fee does not include travel expenses to the university in Slovak Republic, for the final examination and defensio of the thesis. However, the final examination can be possible in online modality as well.
UCN European Programmes conducts enrollment counseling, admission evaluation and enrollment service for international students aiming to write their thesis in German or English language on behalf of DTI University in Slovakia for the following rigorosum doctorates (by thesis):
PhDr. Philosophy Doctor in Management
PaeDr. Doctor of Pedagogy
The rigorosum doctorate is a traditional professional doctorate according to Slovak higher education laws and system to be completed by thesis only, with no courses or assignments required, with a Rigorosum Examination of the thesis in an oral defensio (online).
The traditional professional Rigorosum-Doctorate is not to be confused with a PhD third cycle research doctorate, it is a traditional rigorosum doctorate academic degree after the Master degree by thesis.
DTI University can nominate UCN faculty members as thesis supervisor, opponent or member of the examination commission if applicable and available.
Study languages: German, English
The programme can be completed within one semester to one study year.
Maximum duration possible is two study years.
Admission requirement: Master or equivalent degree in the given discipline.
Admission and Procedure:
The university graduate who has obtained the Master's Degree may take the rigorous examination which also includes the defense of rigorous thesis within the branch of study in which the graduate obtained the university education or in the related branch of study. Upon its successful completion, the applicant is awarded the academic degree e.g. PhDr. or PaeDr. In the Slovak Republic the Doctor is a postgraduate degree in two types – as a professional degree (PhDr., PaeDr.) and a research doctorate (PhD). PhDr. is a degree with a tradition of several centuries, originally the highest possible degree. Nowadays it serves as a traditional and popular badge degree, especially common for professionals. In older times with no master's degree, the rigorosum doctorate served as the only doctorate degree (and was roughly equivalent to the today's master's degree, plus a special exam). Requirements for obtaining a rigorosum degree are a Magister or Master (Mgr.) degree, the compilation of a thesis (including successful defense) and passing an oral exam called Rigorosum.
The rigorosum doctorate does not require on-campus residencies or additional course work. It requires a one-stop-examination at DTI in Slovak Republic physically or upon approval of DTI via an online examination.
The subject examination will require the demonstration of knowledge in selected subject areas based on the thesis presented.
Traditionelles Berufsdoktorat mit einer Dissertation auf Deutsch
Rigorosum Doktorate: PhDr. in Management oder PaeDr. in Pädagogik
Doktorat für Betriebswirte mit einer Dissertation auf Deutsch
UCN und slowakische Partner Universität bieten Absolventen von Diplomstudien an Universitäten bzw. Masterstudien an Fachhochschulen über Rigorosum-Verfahren mit einer Dissertation den Doktorgrad in BWL: PhDr. (eintragbar in Österreich auf der postgradualen Weiterbildungsebene 2-3 gemäß Maske Zentrales Melde-Register ZMR) der slowakischen Universität. UCN bietet dieses Rigorosum-Verfahren mit verschiedenen slowakischen Partner Universitäten international an. Voraussetzungen für PhDr. Abschluss sind Magister (Mag.) oder Master (Studiengang) einer Universität oder Fachhochschule in BWL (rer.soc.oec.), schriftliche Abschlussarbeit (einschließlich erfolgreicher Verteidigung) und Bestehen der mündlichen Prüfung „Rigorosum“. Das Fernstudium PhDr. erfordert keine Aufenthalte am Campus oder Kurse, nur eine One-Stop-Prüfung an der slowakischen Universität physisch oder nach Genehmigung als Online-Prüfung. Dauer: ein bis zwei Semester für Rigorosum Arbeit.
Doktorat für Pädagogen mit einer Dissertation auf Deutsch
UCN und slowakische Partner Universität bieten Absolventen von Diplomstudien an Universitäten bzw. Masterstudien an Fachhochschulen über Rigorosum-Verfahren mit einer Dissertation denDoktorgrad in Pädagogik: PaeDr. (eintragbar in Österreich auf der postgradualen Weiterbildungsebene 2-3 gemäß Maske Zentrales Melde-Register ZMR) der slowakischen Universität. UCN bietet dieses Rigorosum-Verfahren mit slowakischen Partner Universitäten international an. Voraussetzungen für PhDr. Abschluss sind Magister (Mag.) oder Master (Studiengang) einer Universität oder Pädagogischen Hochschule in Education, Pädagogik oder Lehramtsstudium, schriftliche Abschlussarbeit (einschließlich erfolgreicher Verteidigung) und Bestehen der mündlichen Prüfung „Rigorosum“. Das Fernstudium PaeDr. erfordert keine Aufenthalte am Campus oder Kurse, nur eine One-Stop-Prüfung an der slowakischen Universität physisch oder nach Genehmigung als Online-Prüfung. Dauer für Rigorosum Arbeit: ein bis zwei Semester.
The duration of the UCN PhD is three study years (180 ECTS).
The duration of the Polish postgraduate programme is two study years (120 ECTS).
Students who are taking ony the 120 ECTS credits can earn a certificate from UCN and the respective postgraduate diploma DBA, Dr.Sc., Dr.Edu., LLD, from Collegium Humanum – Warsaw Management University.
UCN European Programmes and Collegium Humanum - Warsaw Management University offer the following dual degree doctorates as distance education programmes in English, German and Spanish study language.
Collegium Humanum - Warsaw Management University will award the (Dr.Edu.) Doctor of Education degree and UCN will award the Philosophiae Doctor (Dr.) in Education.
Collegium Humanum - Warsaw Management University will award the (Dr.Sc.) Doctor of Science in Psychology degree and UCN will award the Philosophiae Doctor (Dr.) in Psychology.
Collegium Humanum - Warsaw Management University will award the (Dr.oec.) Doctor of Economics in Management degree and UCN will award the Philosophiae Doctor (Dr.) in Management.
Collegium Humanum - Warsaw Management University will award the (Dr.oec.) Doctor of Economics degree and UCN will award the Philosophiae Doctor (Dr.) in Economics.
International Law:
Collegium Humanum - Warsaw Management University will award the (LLD.) Doctor of Law degree and UCN will award the Philosophiae Doctor (Dr.) in International Law.
The Polish degree is a university own postgraduate further education course and the qualification is offered and awarded acc. to Art. 160ff of the Polish University Law 2018 as a partial EQF Level 8 qualification requiring 120 ECTS credits.
The UCN doctorate is a regular PhD programme of UCN requiring 180 ECTS credits, with coursework and research for the dissertation earned with UCN.
Tuitions for the dual degree programme are for the entire programme including enrolment, courses, and final examination of the thesis, and the award fees.
The programme can be completed online and does not require any on campus residencies.
Candidates who do not aim at the UCN PhD by Research and want to obtain only the shorter professional postgraduate Doctor diploma awarded by Collegium Humanum - Warsaw Management University can be admitted.
The Polish requirements for admission to a postgraduate diploma course and the respective degree award must be met.
The Polish degree is a university own postgraduate further education course and the qualification is offered and awarded acc. to Art. 160ff of the Polish University Law 2018 as a partial EQF Level 8 qualification requiring 120 ECTS credits.
The UCN Level 8 Diploma is a Certificate of Course Completion.
Tuitions for the dual degree programme are for the entire programme including enrolment, courses, and final examination of the thesis, and the award fees.
The programme can be completed online and does not require any on campus residencies.
UCN European Programmes enrolls students with Collegium Humanum Warsaw Management University own postgraduate degree diplomas in the following specialisations
Doctor of Business Administration DBA
Doctor of Science in Psychology Dr.Sc.
Doctor of Education Dr.Ed.
Doctor of Law Dr.Jur. or LLD
The postgraduate qualification by Collegium Humanum Warsaw Management University is a university own continuous education course and award according to Article 160 of the Polish University Law 2018. Graduates will receive the UCN Course Certificate and transcript and the Collegium Humanum Warsaw Management University university own degree in English format, and the public document format postgraduate State diploma in Polish, along with a diploma supplement.
This doctor or third cycle level continuous education course is ideal for professionals in the above mentioned areas as an extra-mural part-time online degree programme allowing for credit transfer and recogniton of qualifications and prior learning individually.
The curriculum can be individualised according to the candidate´s prior learning portfolio. The award requires 120 ECTS credits at postgraduate level in the respective academic discipline, which can be earned by credits transfer, prior learning assessment, coursework and examinations or by thesis. The programme is provided by UCN and examination is conducted by a joint examination commission of both universities.
The Collegium Humanum Warsaw Management University university own degree is a Level 8 EQF partial qualification of continuous education according to Art. 160 of Polish University Law 2018 and regulated in the system of higher education in Poland at the postgraduate level.
The university own professional doctorate is not to be confused with a PhD third cycle research doctorate, it is a postgraduate continuous education qualification after the Master degree.
Study languages: German, English, Spanish
The programme can be completed within two to four semesters, depending on possible credits transfer, advanced standing and pace of candidate.
Admission requirements: At least a Bachelor degree, however, candidates with a Master degree are expected, whereby, admission evaluation reserves the right to ask for additional postgraduate qualifications, credits earned, certificates, diplomas or degrees individually. UCN European Programmes also evaluates professional experience and credentials during the admission process.
UCN Dual MBA´s Master of Business Administration degrees in combination with two OTHM Level 7 Diplomas in combination with taught DBA (executive) Collegium Humanum Warsaw Management University university own postgraduate degree
Combining two English recognised regulated qualification at Master level with two UCN MBA´s Master of Business Administration degrees with a Collegium Humanum Warsaw Management University university own postgraduate degree DBA Doctor of Business Administration.
UCN European Programmes is an OTHM approved centre for the provision of UK OFQUAL recognised and accredited OTHM Level 7 RQF (EQF) regulated qualification and offers the combined Level 7 Diploma (OTHM) and Master of Business Administration MBA (UCN) study opportunity.
The Level 7 Diploma (OTHM) is a recognised English qualification at postgraduate level. Postgraduate diplomas are taught courses at level 7 on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) - the same level as Masters degrees.
The MBA curriculum consists of 60 ECTS credits of postgraduate study, offered as modular fashion. MBA-candidates complete required modules/courses (Level 7 Diploma), accredited by OTHM, validated by UCN for the MBA in ghe given specialisations:
Once the student has earned the two MBA degrees, credits will count for the executive taught DBA by Collegium Humanum Warsaw Management University, to be completed by means of final examination by a joint faculty committee.
The award requires 120 ECTS credits at postgraduate level.
The Collegium Humanum Warsaw Management University university own degree is a partial qualification according to Art. 160 of Polish University Law 2018 and regulated in the system of higher education in Poland at the postgraduate level.
Study language: English
The programme can be completed within four semesters, depending on pace of candidate.
Admission requirements: At least a Bachelor degree. Plus the respective OTHM admission requirements.
The Polish partner programmes are further and continuous postgraduate education programmes and the degrees are awarded by the university in accordance with Polish university law 2018 as own qualifications and partial qualifications at Level 8 EQF.