European Programmes
Postgraduate School
Dean of European Programmes UCN
ph: +43 664 34 29 717
Admission process
Our courses can be started at any time, there are no entry or cut-off dates. Enroll at any point in time you want. The asynchronous mode of delivery of our online programmes enables enrolment throughout the year.
Our international programmes are designed for students anywhere in the world and can be passed online without any on-campus residencies. The asynchronous method of online instruction allows enrolment throughout the year and enables students to determine their own pace of studies. Courses and examinations can be taken anywhere and anytime. Final oral examinations or defence of thesis are conducted via online video conference between candidate and examination jury members.
The programmes offered and degrees awarded by Universidad Central de Nicaragua UCN are fully recognised and valid in Nicaragua according to the applicable higher education laws of the country.
The application process is conducted in the following sequences:
1) Prospective student asks for application form for a given programme of study.
2) Prospective student fills out the application form in word format and remits the scan of the application form with handwritten signature by email, including the following attachments (we accept only PDF for scans, and JPG for the photo):
NOTICE: Only complete applications will be considered for evaluation.
3) The University conducts an evaluation report and reserves the right to charge the applicant for this service.
4) The University issues the evaluation report and in case of possible admission issues an invoice to the student for the tuitions and fees of the given programme.
5) Student accepts evaluation report and pays the full tuition and fees in order to enrol.
6) Payment of tuitions activates the enrolment of the given student. Once a student is enrolled and discontinues a programme, no tuition payment is refunded.
Contact Us for the application form for Universidad Central de Nicaragua UCN with Universidad Azteca inter-university programmes.
Admission requirements
Admission requirements for postgraduate programmes are a graduate degree, whereby, admission to a Master´s programme require the equivalent of a Bachelor´s degree (minimum 180 ECTS credits) or a comparable qualification (e.g. EQF level 6); admission to a Doctor´s degree programme require the equivalent of a graduate or postgraduate degree (minimum 240 ECTS credits) or a comparable qualification (e.g. EQF level 7).
The university will conduct an admission evaluation for every individual student.
The university reserves the right to admit students based on qualification only.
Admission to an advanced research doctorate by thesis only require a postgraduate degree (minimum 300 ECTS credits) or a comparable qualification (e.g. EQF level 7 or 8), allowing for the transfer of 60 ECTS credits earned in the postgraduate qualification programme to the period of instruction for the research doctoral programme, to be completed by the research phase and the dissertation only.
Master programmes:
- Bachelor degree (180 ECTS)
- first degree equal to Bachelor
- National Vocational Qualification equal to a Bachelor
- individual admission evaluation
Doctor programmes:
- Master degree (240 ECTS) + additional coursework
- Master degree (300 ECTS)
- equivalent qualification based on individual evaluation of applicant
for your programme of interest